I know that this is an unusual question, but I can't seem to find any information on how to delete your user account. I found this question:
How do you unsubscribe from a StackExchange site and delete your profile?
But as you can see, they never did actually answer the question. Any ideas on how this is done? Thank you in advance.
People seem to want more details or an explanation for why I would like to delete my account so here it is. I came to GIS.se to help people and because it was fun trying to answer some of the question. For a while I did have a lot of fun doing it. My favourite answer was actually the question about how to extend vector lines. I spent the better part of an afternoon writing a tool to solve that particular problem. It was challenging. In fact, my answer came a little too late and didn’t receive any upvotes but that didn’t much matter to me because I enjoyed it so much. The same goes for several of my other answers like the one on measuring the density of line intersections and mapping saddle points on ridges and probably a half dozen others. Now there is a subgroup of people in this community who seem to think that what I was doing was ‘self promotion’ and labeled my answers as ‘spam’. It’s true that most of my answers used my own GIS software in their workflows. My software is my canvas in the same way that some use arcpy, GRASS, or QGIS. I don’t bother them for using a specific tool and I can’t imagine why it would be so offensive to some that I would use my tool. If you wrote your own GIS, wouldn’t you use it to solve your problems? It fits me like a glove! This isn’t self-promotion. I have never made a cent off of my software…it’s open source! I don’t own a company. Also, compared with most in this community, I was, until recently when I attempted to delete my profile, one of the few that put my entire affiliation up there for all to see. I believe in openness. Anyone who knows me would think the accusation of self-promotion is rather contrary to my personality. I’m truly not bothered if people use my software or not. Take that question about the vector line extensions as an example. I wrote a tool that is now available in my software. Given the uniqueness of the problem that the OP had, it’s unlikely that anyone will ever use the tool. I’m perfectly okay with that because I found it an interest problem at the time that required challenging spatial reasoning (and allowed me to procrastinate on other work). To have my answers labeled as spam, i.e. valueless, and worse even tasteless, is particularly disappointing given the effort that I spent on some of them.
It’s not all about my answers though. The other problem that I see with this community is the needless downvoting mechanism. There’s a reason that you vote FOR politicians/political parties in a democratic system and not against. The power to vote negatively is just too enticing for some individuals who crave power and you have an unfortunate group of self-appointed sheriffs here. The vast majority of questions on this site are asked by people who are inexperienced with GIS. That’s not to say that they aren’t honest, intelligent individuals. They simply have a problem they can’t answer on their own and am looking for a little help. All too often I see what seems like people picking on these individuals. If when someone in my class worked up the courage to ask a question during lecture and I reacted by telling them their question was not worthy of being asked (downvoting) do you think they, or anybody else, would ask another question again? It’s sad to see and it raises my blood pressure whenever I log on and observe it. I’ve concluded that I’m not suited to this site. I find myself upvoting downvoted questions simply to encourage the askers not to give up. I’ll edit an unclear question in the hopes that I can get there before the downvoters do. People generally ask questions in good faith and people generally answer questions with good intentions. So the site is no longer fun for me and I do really want to leave. I find that I am only able to delete five of my answers per day so until one of the moderators has the good nature to accept my request to be removed, I’ll delete five per day and wait.