I think burnination is overkill for a tag that is so rarely used, but I certainly think that it should be removed from about half of its current questions because they already mention a product from the web tier.
I just added a tag excerpt and wiki for web-gis which hopefully will explain why I think it remains an occasionally useful tag:
Web GIS is a generic term which should ONLY be applied when no
specific web GIS product is identifiable
Web GIS has been defined in the ArcGIS Help 10.1 as:
Web GIS is a type of distributed information system, comprising at
least a server and a client, where the server is a GIS server and the
client is a web browser, desktop application, or mobile application.
In its simplest form, web GIS can be defined as any GIS that uses web
technology to communicate between a server and a client.
It is like Web Mapping but has been extended by the inclusion of
geoprocessing capabilities such as Web Processing Services (WPS),
ArcGIS Geoprocessing Services, etc.
Normally you will be using a specific web GIS product such as:
- ArcGIS for Server
- FME Server
- GeoServer
- etc
and if that is the case then this web-gis
tag is superfluous and
should NOT be used.
However, if you are using multiple web GIS products (i.e. using up too
many of your 5 tags) or have a question about that part of a spatial
architecture in more conceptual terms then it can be considered
available as a "tag of last resort".
As an aside, I think these tags are being used almost interchangeably: web (55 questions), web-mapping (627 questions), web-gis (5 questions) and online (24 questions) - and perhaps in a separate Q&A we should discuss them being merged and whether web-mapping or web-gis should be the master instead.