Most questions up till now used to refer to . With increasing interest in , we will see more questions on this topic. The two versions are so different that answers for one won't be helpful for the other. I therefore suggest the following synonym to make the version explicit:


  • I guess I might be careful about making it a synonym vs burninating the tag (or whatever it's called, a merge first?). If people just type in 'openlayers' and it gets remapped to 2 when they really should have said 3, it's just more editing and confusion. Yes, I know it shows you choices, but not everyone picks, they frequently just type and return.
    – Chris W
    Commented Mar 23, 2015 at 22:20
  • @ChrisW With mod privileges synonymizing is easy, merge is too, but burnination needs much more justification and SE involvement so I would perhaps suggest synonym initially, and assuming it works for us, then merge a little later. Burnination is probably overkill - we have only used that for gis, geospatial and spatial so far.
    – PolyGeo Mod
    Commented Mar 24, 2015 at 0:30
  • 1
    I think we should proceed to implement this - nearly 60 views, at least 5 supporters, and no dissent - and openlayers is being used potentially ambiguously about 20 times per week. To find questions that are likely to need removal of the openlayers/openlayers-2 tag we can search using gis.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/…
    – PolyGeo Mod
    Commented Mar 26, 2015 at 6:50
  • I've suggested a change to the openlayers description. Currently, it has a generic description, just like python or qgis that would suggest it could be used in conjunction with a version specific tag. In reality, the site is automatically mapping it to openlayers-2, and I'm seeing an increasing misuse of openlayers-2 on questions that are about version 3 due that behavior. Commented Dec 11, 2015 at 14:16
  • So, are the tags not going to be merged? I see the openlayers still creating confusion. Commented Apr 22, 2016 at 15:07

1 Answer 1


Even though it may necessitate some retagging of OpenLayers 3 questions tagged I think the effort will be worth it.

Now that the tag synonym has been proposed by @Underdark at https://gis.stackexchange.com/tags/openlayers-2/synonyms, and upvoted by me there, I will be very interested to see if we have enough people with sufficient reputation to get this through (or squash it) without us needing to use a moderator tool.

Users with a total answer score (total upvotes minus total downvotes) of 5 or more on the tag, can vote for tag synonyms. Suggestions will be automatically approved when they reach a score of 4, and automatically deleted when they reach a score of -2.


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