We have the weather (x 30) and climate (x 25) tags.
Technically the two terms are distinct. Weather means conditions at a certain place and time, while climate is condition trends over time. So weather might apply to a specific group of tornadoes during a single storm, while climate would be for year-over-year tornado locations.
However in terms of use when tagging questions, there doesn't seem to be a consistent, proper distinction and quite a bit of overlap or misapplication. I do note there is some distinction present in the questions (ie some are looking for hourly feeds which would qualify as weather, while others look for historical data over a period of time). As something of a side note, many of them are related to interpolation. Both tags are applied to a variety of variables, such as wind, precipitation, etc.
Should weather be made a synonym of climate on the grounds that most GIS related analysis are working with either many readings over time or aggregated/averaged data, or should they remain distinct and some disambiguation of Wiki excerpts and retagging occur?