Something I think we need to be cautious about is opening the door to "absolutely any question related to Surveying, etc".
Perhaps we can model our answer on the Cross Validated Tour which I have modified here to try and suit our purposes and emphasize that our "core business" is GIS but that we are happy to see questions from other spatial disciplines. The italics show what I changed from the Tour of that sister site.
Geographic Information Systems is a question and answer site for people
interested in GIS, Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, Geodesy and Surveying,
as well as Programming/Databases specific
to the aforementioned. It is built and run by you as part of the
Stack Exchange network of Q&A sites. With your help, we are working
together to build a library of detailed answers to every question
about GIS. Our Help Center provides further guidance to help in
posting good questions and answers.
i.e. we are not looking to build a library of detailed answers to every question about Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, Geodesy and Surveying as well, but we are happy to try and give those related communities a leg up to establishing themselves by developing a critical mass of Q&As and users within GIS SE.
I may be wrong but, I think that as a community we will be the most comfortable when we see questions from the other spatial disciplines that are closer to the GIS end of the spectrum of all possible questions, and much less so if there are questions asked on more traditional surveying techniques (as an example), especially if they start to go unanswered.