I've been a long time user of GIS stack. Until recently it always seemed that questions were treated with a relative level of fairness. Questions that were (probably not) written in a clear way were given the benefit of doubt and allowed to be improved (as described in the answer at Should there be a grace period before downvoting questions from a new user? -- but please note that my concern is about all questions, regardless of who posts them). When truly bad questions were posted they tended to attract negative votes quickly ... which is fair. However, there seems to be a growing trend of just downvoting anything that might not immediately make sense. This seems like bad form to me.
Many of the people who post questions here have English as a second language. Voting a question down just because its a little poorly phrased makes the site look snobby (at best). Is there any way that people could assess a question on the merit of what is being asked, rather than just voting it down?