Edit: so far, the top two leading answers suggests replacing (or reducing use of) arcgis-desktop with more specific tags.
Therefore, I suggest narrowing the discussion about doing something (or not) based on the follow up post Re-tagging to de-emphasize ArcGIS Desktop product in favour of its applications?.
Original question:
From Tagging ArcGIS questions? there are four applications directly related to arcgis-desktop (17110 questions):
- arcmap (4325).
- arccatalog (222).
- arcscene (199).
- arcglobe (34).
Regarding arcmap it seems a lot of questions (~3k) are about it, but only tagged arcgis-desktop(see here)*.
I think this is a problem, because it helps splitting content across duplicate questions; for example, one uses only arcgis-desktop, the other only arcmap.
So, how should both tags be used and live together in GIS SE? It was discussed before that they should not be synonyms (Should arcmap tag be a synonym of arcgis-desktop). Is there something we could do to improve their use?
*This also happens with the other applications (for example, arcglobe), but a big difference is the number of questions missing the application tag is much smaller than [arcmap]. In these cases, it would be achievable reviewing such posts and apply the tags (if necessary).