Suppose there is a discussion question in GIS Meta with two or more answers. One of them is an answer of mine, and another one is a competing answer from a user who has the privilege to delete comments.
So, I post a comment beneath the competing answer expressing why I disagree with it. Something along:
-1, because [reason to downvote].
The comment is not rude or abusive.
However, the user with the delete comments privilege who is also the author from the commented answer silently deletes my comment*. At that point, it was the sole comment beneath that answer.
I realize the comment is deleted by chance when revisiting my post, and I know it is the post owner who deletes it because he/she tells me after I ask him/her.
This is unethical to me, as I believe there is a conflict of interest deleting a contrary opinion from an owned post.
Is such behaviour unethical or I am overreacting? If something, what to do?