From Tagging ArcGIS questions there are four applications directly related to arcgis-desktop (17110 questions):
- arcmap (4325).
- arccatalog (222).
- arcscene (199).
- arcglobe (34).
Regarding arcmap it seems a lot of questions (~3k) are about it, but only tagged arcgis-desktop(see here)*.
I think this is a problem, because it helps splitting content across duplicate questions; for example, one uses only arcgis-desktop, the other only arcmap. So, how should both tags be used and live together in GIS SE?
Is there something we could do to improve their use?
*This also happens with the other applications (for example, arcglobe), but a big difference is the number of questions missing the application tag is much smaller than [arcmap]. In these cases, it would be achievable reviewing such posts and apply the tags (if necessary).