Last time we tweaked the custom close reason below was at Tweaking custom close reason for poorly framed code debugging/writing/improving questions?
Questions seeking help to debug/write/improve code must include the desired behavior, a specific problem or error and the shortest code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself. Providing a clear problem statement and evidence of a code attempt will help others to help you. See: How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example.
Frequently, we see questions where that code attempt is presented as a picture rather than formatted text e.g. How to edit attribute with my result from the count
Pictures of code cannot be searched, and cannot be copy/pasted for testing, which often leads to such questions being downvoted.
Is there another tweak we can make to the custom close reason that will enable us to place such questions On Hold until their askers have learned how to format code using the Format button ({})?
This should also help to bring new users up to speed about the SE model being as much or more about our Q&As being designed to help future visitors thousands of times as they are about helping the asker this one time.