When searching on Google for Android and GIS, one of the very first hits is the following page on gis.se:
Seeking Mobile GIS applications for Android Tablets?
The question is wiki locked, so no more answers can be added. The current answers are visible and one of them with a very high score. To a visitor, this suggests a quality of the answer (we've all been trained to unconditionally and fully trust high-voted answer, haven't we?).
However, the answer itself highlights the choice of software at a given point in time. At the same time, new software enters the market, applications disappear and the answer stays the same and loses relevance while no new answers can be added nor the scoring of the current one be adjusted.
I think this can be generalized to questions tagged software-recommendation in general and I wonder if this is a good thing for this site, the question and the visitors. To me it feels like either:
- It should be possible to keep the information on such questions up to date: Add new answers or edit answers (community wiki)
- Or such questions should be removed altogether to not give outdated information the look of relevance that it might no longer have
Disclosure: I develop an Android GIS app which I would certainly like to see appear on GIS SE posts which score high on Google.