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19 votes

User @whuber not moderating anymore

It is kind of you to notice and to ask. I had not been very active here in the last four years or so and wore the moderator's diamond as a reminder of the past rather than as a tool to help the site. ...
whuber's user avatar
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9 votes

User @whuber not moderating anymore

I could not comment sooner without knowing whether @whuber wished to return their diamond quietly or accompanied by an announcement. Now that they have answered here I am comfortable to add an answer ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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6 votes

Suggesting more responsible forum moderation?

I suspect that I am the moderator that you are referring to, and I am happy to try and address any issues that you (or anyone) may have with my moderating style on this focussed Q&A site. GIS SE ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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3 votes

Suggesting more responsible forum moderation?

A long response to PolyGeo, going in a new "answer." (The format here is a bit awkward for the context of Meta...): Thanks for the thoughtful response. There are a number of technical consideration ...
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